November 2023

Successful apprentice information evening

At our apprentice information evening on Thursday, November 20, numerous interested guests visited our headquarters in Karlstein, Austria.


HR manager Helmut Grobbauer, Operations manager Harald Weber, and Apprentice manager Benjamin Janicek welcomed the visitors. They not only explained the various training opportunities, but also provided valuable insights into the corporate culture, everyday working life and the numerous development opportunities that Pollmann offers its employees.

After the informative start in the apprentice workshop, the tour continued to the production department: A stop in the plastic injection molding shop was of course a must, but the visitors also had the opportunity to gain an insight into the work of our colleagues from the toolmaking department as well as into the world of automation technology at the subsidiary MAXXOM Automation GmbH, which is also represented in Karlstein.

After this successful information evening, we would be delighted to welcome some of the interested young people as part of our team next year. The next training cycle starts in September. 

  • Successful apprentice information evening
  • Successful apprentice information evening
  • Successful apprentice information evening
  • Successful apprentice information evening

Impressions from the second Pollmann apprentice information evening in 2023

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Bettina Talkner

Estaremos encantados de responder a sus preguntas:


Bettina Talkner
Directora de Marketing y Comunicación

Pollmann International GmbH
Raabser Straße 1
3822 Karlstein / Thaya

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