Pollmann International GmbH

Raabser Straße 1
A-3822 Karlstein

+43 2844 223-0


VAT-Nr.: ATU 62365327
FN: 275135 k
Landesgericht Krems an der Donau
Head Quarters: Karlstein an der Thaya


Supervisory authority: District authority Krems an der Donau
Member of: Austrian Chamber of Commerce
Professional law: Trade Regulations 1994, available at: www.ris.bka.gv.at


Links to third-party websites

The sites linked with pollmann.at are not manage by the operator, and the operator is not responsible for the content of any linked website or for any links contained in a linked website or changes to such websites. No opinion, attitude or approval of the content of these sites can be derived for the operator from a link to websites, nor can a connection be derived from this between the operator and the operators of the linked websites.

Our interest: The website www.pollmann.at is used for applications and for establishing contact with national and international customers.


Design & Programming

Turquoise Digital
Dipl.-Ing. Georg Ertl

+43 664 46 43 963