Markus Strohmeier


El participante del Programa de Trainee de Pollmann trabajó anteriormente en los departamentos de Taller de Herramientas, Automatización y Robótica y Logística. Actualmente se dedica a la Gestión de proyectos, su motivación para seguir mejorando y la capacidad de cuestionarse a sí mismo. Esto le permitió descubrir nuevas estrategias de solución.

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How would you describe your career at Pollmann?
I’ve been in the Trainee Program for 8 months and have so far gained experience in the Tool Shop, Automation & Robotics and Logistics departments. My next training module will cover Project Management.

Do you have one sentence that describes your approach to work or your philosophy towards life?
Failure is an option.  If certain things don't fail, you're not innovative enough.

What do you like best about your work? 
To learn something new every day, contribute new ideas and be allowed to implement them.

What advice would you give the future generation of Pollmann employees?
Think constantly about how you can make things better and question yourself.

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Anita Stocklasser

Helmut Grobbauer, MSc
Gestión del departamento de Recursos Humanos

Pollmann Austria GmbH
Raabser Straße 1
3822 Karlstein / Thaya

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